Buy an intro offer all for you, no sharing.  It can take a few to get used to the experience, so 3 is perfect. 

Buy here now, or go straight to booking as pay as you book. Offer available to everyone once. 

Valid for 3 months. Available online/phone/in store.

Buy a float for yourself. You can buy here now and then book in the future, or go straight to booking and pay as you book.

Valid for 3 months*. Available online/phone/in store.

Buy a 3 float package for yourself, and share if you wish! Buy the package first, and then use the ‘passes’ to book – give us a call to let us know if you are sharing any.

Valid for 6 months*. Available online/phone/in store.

Come with someone and float at the same time, still separate tanks of course ;). Floats must be used at the same time. When booking please ensure you go back and complete a separate additional booking for the second person. 

 Valid for 3 months*.

Available online/in store/phone.

These memberships are designed for those who want to commit to floating  and offers you the best value for money. Become a member of our Soul Spa family <3

As a thank you for your commitment we will gift you a complementary sauna when you sign up.

Floatation – Pay £42 per month – get 1 x 60 min float per month

Purchase additional floats for £42.

As a thank you for your loyalty, we will gift you a birthday session every year that you are a member too!


Buy an intro offer all for you, no sharing. It takes a while to build up to the full sauna time, so here’s 4 saunas to get you started. 

Buy here now, or go straight to booking as pay as you book. Offer available to everyone once.

Valid for 6 months. Available online/phone/in store.

Buy a sauna for yourself. You can buy now and then book in the future, or go straight to booking and pay as you book. 

Valid for 3 months*. Available online/phone/in store.

Buy a 3 sauna package for yourself, and share if you wish! 

Valid for 6 months*. Available online/phone/in store

Buy a sauna for yourself, and then add an extra person to your session if you want to share your sauna.

Valid for 3 months*.

Available in store/phone only.

These memberships are designed for those who want to commit to saunas and offers you the best value for money. Become a member of our Soul Spa family <3

As a thank you for your commitment we will gift you a complementary float when you sign up.

Infrared Sauna – Pay £30 per month – get 1 x 60 min sauna session per month

Purchase additional saunas for £30.

As a thank you for your loyalty, we will gift you a birthday session every year that you are a member too!



Book yourself a sauna followed by a float to get the full experience, must be used together.

Valid for 3 months. 

Available online/phone only.

Come with someone, sauna together and then float at the same time (separate tanks).

Must be used as a package.

Valid for 3 months. 

Available online/phone only.


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